On the 23rd of February 2022, the Drive 0 multi-apartment building located in Saue (Estonia) was officially opened after being successfully renovated by our partner Timbeco Ehitus OÜ.
The aim of the project was to renovate the apartment building in the most optimal way possible, in a short period of time, and by choosing materials still reusable after the end of the building life cycle. In addition, Timbeco used as many products and materials of domestic origin as possible, and reused some of the materials generated during the renovation process.
Despite the difficulties of the current situation – the team had to deal with both supply difficulties and labor shortages due to covid – the pilot project was successfully renovated after 9 months of work. Besides, the renovation process disrupted the daily life of residents significantly less than regular external wall insulation work with scaffolding. Buildings are normally renovated in the same way they are constructed, but with the support of the KredEx and Drive 0, the experts of Timbeco were able to first manufacture the necessary modules in the factory. Ventilation pipes were also integrated into the modular additional insulation elements and installed in the building together with the exterior walls.
These modules can be used to fully renovate many of the typical apartment buildings constructed in Estonia before the 1990s, many of which can also be found in other countries in Scandinavia and Central Europe. All these multi-apartment buildings have quite similar problems: high energy consumption levels, poor ventilation and indoor climate, and uneven indoor temperatures. Many apartment associations have plans to renovate their buildings. The Drive 0 pilot building shows that renovations can be done conveniently and efficiently.
The opening was attended by Timbeco’s representatives Eero Nigumann and Andres Haas, professor Targo Kalamees on behalf of TalTech (also Drive 0 partner and technical advisor for the Saue building), the Mayor of Saue Parish Andres Laisk, and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications Taavi Aas.
Original sources: https://taltech.ee/en/news/daily-life-residents-apartment-building-renovated-prefabricated-additional-insulation-elements