IRI UL is a joint venture between the University of Ljubljana (UL) and ten technologically advanced and successful Slovenian companies as a non-profit research and development institute with a mission to initiate the creation/attainment, transfer, distribution and application of knowledge – in other words, to promote the integration of the innovation triangle (research – education – innovation) by transferring research results into practice and commercial exploitation. Therefore a task of IRI UL is to establish reciprocal and a long-term partnership between University of Ljubljana, Slovenian industry and public institutions in order to foster research and development activities. With the access to the intellectual capital of the UL institute need to effectively develop a national and international research and development projects. IRI UL is official energy manager for University of Ljubljana (UL), as such has prepared and monitors the implementation of the University Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP), and established an Energy Management system for UL public buildings.