Instituto Valenciano de la Edificación (IVE) (engl.: Valencia Institute of building) is a private non-profit making foundation with public interest set up in October 1986, whose headquarter is in Valencia. IVE is a research institute that seeks to improve the quality and sustainability in the construction process through the R&D in the building field. IVE board includes professionals, developers, building contractors, end-users, in order to provide a platform for ideas exchange, developments and knowledge in the different fields of construction. During 30 years of its existence the institute has remained very active in the drafting of technical documents to support the pre-normative research of building process and to spread of all the aspects related to the quality and sustainability in the design, construction and use of buildings.
As far as training is concerned, one of the key priorities of IVE is providing guidance and developing trainings on a harmonized way throughout the construction chain. IVE has become an important knowledge- and trainingcenter for the construction sector in our country (600 training hours and 4000 people a year). We work in close collaboration with Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, leaders of BUS Spanish projects; due to our close collaboration they are going to be included in our board of trustees next year.
As far as energy efficiency is concerned, IVE has a wide experience in this field from different axis: