The UIPI Renovation Tour is back! This time focusing on supporting Catalan Owners to be On Board the Renovation Wave being held in Cambra Propietat Urbana (Via Laietana, 22, 08003 Barcelona, Spain) on 24 November 2022.
Once again Drive 0 partner UIPI, in partnership with CCPU, is committed to help local property owners (as well as others interested in participating) to understand how climate goals and related EU policies affect them and the national and regional policies. It is crucial to raise awareness around the urgency of the objectives, the state of play, the new challenges ahead, the practical implications and all existing tools and support systems that are available in the market to start making the needed upgrade of sustainability of the built-in environment.
Furthermore, by potentiating public debate around these topics with the participation of not only property owners but also relevant policy makers, representatives of key stakeholders and civil society light can be shed on what needs improving and fine tuning in the existing policies. Without the engagement of all parties, meeting the climate goals on the European Green Deal will be a greater challenge, and giving them a say is a step in the right direction to do so.
This 5th edition of the UIPI Renovation Tour offered a similar programme of the previous editions, with a first explanatory political session followed by public debate, and then a series of practical sessions around financial, technical and assistance tools that are being developed locally and through EU funded research and innovation, meant to support property owners in their needed deep renovations. The last session included a presentation of the Drive 0 project and the facade prototype developed for the Spanish demonstration building by the partners PichArchitects and technical advisors Verdtical (photos on the left).
Find more information on the UIPI website.