On 13 October 2022, Drive 0 partner Timbeco has been awarded the Estonian Sustainable Company of the Year in a competition organised by EAS – Enterprise Estonia and the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Sustainability is one of Timbeco’s core values and the foundations of the company, and this has been noticed and finally recognized at national scale. <<We are actually just taking the first steps on our sustainability journey, and several important milestones are still waiting to be achieved in the coming years, just like the entire construction sector in Estonia and Scandinavia>> state the Timbeco team on their Linkedin page.
<< Our task is to do something better every day than yesterday because this is the only way to ensure that clean nature, a diverse living environment, happy people, and the sustainability of the company are preserved. We want to thank from the bottom of our hearts who have helped us on this sustainability journey EAS – Enterprise Estonia, Rohetiiger, Brand Manual, SEB Eesti, LHV, TalTech – Tallinn University of Technology and Drive 0.>>.
Congratulations from the Drive 0 partners, we couldn’t be prouder!
Visit the Timbeco website at: timbeco.ee